Tuesday, May 10, 2016

my roommate moves out

Yesterday was Alexander's last day home. Today he leaves for his new home. But he'll be back this weekend.

The other day he calls me at work.  "Hey, bad news. I just found out that my apartment is not furnished."

He's living with four college co-eds (one he knows from Horace Mann) and two guys. 

I try really really hard not to bug him about what he needs to do. Instead, I ask what he wants for his last dinner home.

"Let's go out for burgers."

We go to Five Napkins. I have 2/3 of a gigantic  ahi tuna burger with avocado; Alexander gets the burger and a third of mine. Both are excellent, but the kitchen is ridiculously slow.

I ask Alexander how his packing is coming along. "Good," he responds. I ask where it is, as I haven't seen one suitcase out, or piles of clothes to be put in a suitcase. "It's here," Alexander says, and  points to his head. Planning is good, I agree. But he's leaving tomorrow.

I go to bed around midnight.  "How's the packing coming?" I ask again. I get the same answer. "Good." I see no indication of progress.

I wake up early and see the apartment exactly as it was when I went to sleep. No suitcases or clothes anywhere.

And yet, by 11 am, he's pulled it off.  

Before leaving, Alexander can't help but say,  "Don't you think it's symbolic? The wall comes down on the same day that I break free?"  Of me, he implies without saying. I know he's half kidding.

And so he's off. 

I have mixed feelings. I'm obviously happy for him. And it'll be nice to have my apartment back. But damn, he brings a lot of life into this home. And a lot of laughter into my heart. I will miss him.

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