Tuesday, September 27, 2016

my friends

It's interesting how we accumulate friends throughout our lives.  Some from obvious places, some from surprising ones.

I have a few friendships from childhood, but none that I am regularly in contact with. One of my closest friends from grade school disappeared from my life three years ago; I still have no idea why.

I have only one friendship from college.

One from my time living in Chicago.

A few old boyfriends with whom I am still quite close, despite an absence of everyday communication.

One from a chance encounter on a subway.

But most are from work (good that I've had so many jobs), introductions through mutual friends, and school — my son's, not mine.

Most of my friends have been in my life for ten years or more, much more.  Surprisingly, within the past two years, I've become close to another person, and am on my way to what I'm sure will be a good friendship with someone new.

My friends sustain me. I feel blessed (and really, this is not an overstatement) to have such strong, supportive, smart, funny, compassionate people in my life.

My good friends never sugarcoat things. They will tell me honestly what they think when I ask, even if they know it's not what I want to hear.  

They listen when I just want to rant. 

They are genuinely happy when I am.

They make me laugh.

And they are always available when I need them.

My life is rich, and my wealth is comprised of the people I know and love.

I was cleaning a closet recently and came across an envelope, with some keys in it.

A few years ago my friend's daughter moved to New York.  My friend is from another state, and her daughter moved around the corner from me.  I held an extra set of keys for the daughter, just in case.

She never used the keys.  And though I keep up with my friend through Facebook posts, we haven't spoken. But after finding the keys, I wondered if the daughter even lived here anymore. So I email my friend.

Her daughter still lives in the city but has moved to more than one apartment since she gave me her keys. We end up talking, and I learn of some life-altering experiences my friend has gone through recently. Facebook often doesn't tell the complete story.

I call and email another friend I haven't seen in almost a year. I learn that she, too, is going through some major challenges. I am ashamed that I haven't been in touch. She is one of my most favorite people, and our history is filled with some great travel stories, many laughs and true confessions.

I know that both of these strong women will overcome the obstacles they face. They are resilient, beautiful, well-loved people.

My friends sustain me. I am a happier, better person because of them.

I am very lucky.

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