Saturday, May 13, 2017

rainy day shower

Jessica and Dan are getting married in September, and today is Jessica's shower.

Despite bad weather, my Via arrives two minutes from my requesting it. And, I am the only rider. Rainy day. No wait. $6.48 to go 50 blocks. How can you not love Via?

River Park, the venue for the shower, is situated along the East River. It's the perfect place to celebrate an upcoming bride.

I see my sister soon after arriving,. As usual, she looks stunning. (I look like I've been shut up in a room without sunlight for years).

The room is filled with flowers, wait people, and women in colorful spring dresses. My fear of having nothing to say is quickly dispelled, as everyone is friendly, talkative, and welcoming.

I soon see Jessica, who looks radiant.

The appetizers are all excellent, as is the food. But it's the heartfelt speeches that will be remembered. Jessica's mom (Jill) and her mother-in-law-to-be (Nina) both tell stories of the newly-engaged couple. It's clear that the marriage is not just about Dan and Jessica, but the blending of two families.

When Rita — Jessica's 93-year old vibrant grandmother —stands up and gives her speech, everyone mists up. Jessica is the only girl among 5 grandchildren.  And her relationship with Rita has always been an exceptional one.

Over lunch, I sit at a table with Jill and her college roommates, Rita, Valerie and Allyn. Allyn is Jessica's aunt — we've probably met, but it was so long ago we've both forgotten. We start talking and she says to me, "Oh, aren't you the one with the web site?" I assume she's talking about this blog. Surprisingly, her son found it (I have no idea how) and reads it. So while I know little about Allyn (aside from the fact that she's lovely and has an unusually great first name), she knows a lot about me.

Even the wet weather can't dampen the positive spirit of this happy day.

view from River Park

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