Sunday, December 31, 2017

perfect day at work

So if I write about the bad (which I do), it's only fair that I write about the good as well.

A couple of weeks ago I email Marlon (my boss) and ask to leave early on New Year's Eve. The store closes at 7 and I'm having friends over for dinner and a movie. 

He responds, 

"Leaving early will be based on business as we will be in the beginning of Final Sale. 
I won't be able to approve that until the day of."

Okay, I think, that's fair. If it's really busy I won't want to leave anyway, and besides, I doubt it'll be busy on New Year's Eve day.

But it turns out I'm wrong. 

A bad day usually means few customers. 

A bad and frustrating day is many customers but who buy little.

A horrible day is few customers who buy little and lots of returns.

Today is an amazing day. 

Lots of customers who buy lots of things.  Many foreign tourists who won't be returning anything. And everyone nice and appreciative and in the holiday spirit.

It's a lucky day too; good days usually are. 

There are several customers who ask:

"Where can I try these on?" Their arms are laden with clothes, and they answer no one to the question, "Is anyone already helping you?"

Or even better: The woman who asks, "Where can I pay for this?" and hands me a $900 coat, and no one is helping her.

At 5:30 I am ready to leave.  

But there are still too many people shopping. So I stay another 45 minutes, and sell another $4,300 of merchandise. 

If every day were like today, I would love my job. 

I leave at 6:15, having sold what I would in a good week.

It's a nice way to end 2017. 

Now I have to hope that nothing comes back.

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