Thursday, January 4, 2018

an unexpected, unwanted call

I get a call from my dermatologist's office the other day. 

"Hi. We got the results of your biopsy and it's a basal-cell carcinoma. You should call Dr. Becker's office and schedule a consultation. Let me give you his number."

Boom. Right in the middle of an uneventful day.

It's a tiny tiny scab (barely noticeable) on the left side of my nose opposite my left eye. I am honestly not freaked out about it.  I'll have Mohs surgery and be fine.

So today, I brave our first little snowstorm to see the highly-recommended Dr. Becker.

The city is relatively quiet, and the news coverage makes it feel like an epic storm is hitting New York City. But the plows have been out, cars are moving, and I get a bus right away.

I even arrive at Dr. Becker's office early. And even better, he sees me early.

He explains the procedure: A little bit of skin is taken off and tested. If cancerous cells are seen, then a little more skin is removed and tested. This continues until zero abnormal cells are seen. He told me that in 40% of cases, he only needs to remove one layer of skin. I hope I'm part of that statistic.

Dr. Becker has performed over 30,000 of these procedures. It's done with just a local anethestic —no one needs to come with me, and no pre or post instructions seem needed. 

We set the procedure for February 12, unless of course I meet the man of my dreams before then and he wants to do something special for Valentine's Day.

I'm pretty sure I won't need to re-schedule.

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