Friday, February 9, 2018

two not-so-good days

Get up early on Thursday to go a BAFTA Board Meeting, The meeting concludes and I grab my coat to leave but can't find my gloves. Fortunately someone later finds them and will mail them to me. But in the mean time, I'm walking around with cold hands.

Decide to work on Thursday because we are having a special gift-card promotion. This turns out to be a bad decision.  I have more returns than sales. End the day having to give back money in commissions earned in previous weeks.

Take a Via home and the driver is a newbie. He rides the break, making me slightly nauseous, having only eaten a muffin all day.. And, he drives multiple blocks in the wrong direction, causing the ride to last 15 minutes longer than it should.

Friday is no better. I have over $6,000 in returns and only a marginal bit more in sales. I've earned basically nothing for two  hard days of work.

Then I trip on a big Lucite display box  (housing some kind of artsy broken mantle) that someone has left in the middle of the floor. 

I land on the same knee I had fallen on last week. Customers and colleagues rush to my assistance. I am too embarrassed to let the hurt show.

Then, a short time later, I over-react to a not-worth-detailing incident that results in my apologizing to two people. I feel so bad that I end up crying, and I rarely cry. 

This job should not elicit such emotion. And it certainly shouldn't make me cry. And yet I do. And then I ask myself, "How did I end up here?" and start feeling bad when I have no good answer.  But I work with some really great people and they get me out of my momentary and unwarranted bout of self-pity.

By the time I leave work, my head is fine, my knee — not so much. It's twice the size of my 
right. Am hoping ice and Advil will help.

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