Monday, August 20, 2018

a very old friend

My friend and I are in line at The Daily Brew. It's our favorite morning coffee place, along with everyone else in the neighboring towns.

Most mornings, the long line (that moves quickly) snakes through the entire little eatery. That's where we are when a woman approaches us. My friend sees her first, and says, "OMG, Tina." Apparently they worked together at Gillette years ago. She was in R&D.

Then the woman looks at me and says, "Linda?" 

I haven't been called Linda since I left for college, but those who knew me before, know me by this name. She reminds me that we met in elementary school, and graduated high school together the same year. We haven't seen each other since high school graduation — an eternity ago. 

I am complimented that this Tina-person recognizes me, though I'm not certain who she is.  We talk a bit and then go to eat separately.

Whoever she is though, she looks fantastic. 

And then, while my friend and I are talking, I suddenly remember. 

Kristina! We met in first grade. She was smart, beautiful, and very popular. 

Tina's the blond with big, enviable dimples. I'm the other one.

We remained friendly through high school.

But then lost touch.

I go back and find her, and tell her that I now remember. Her grandfather was superintendent of all the schools in Brockton, and Tina happens to be eating with her aunt, the daughter of that superintendent. 

She still is beautiful. And oh this gorgeous dimples. I still envy them.

1 comment:

  1. Reconnecting with old friends is a blessing. How nice that you are both recognizable as the person you used to be. That is not always the case :).
