Monday, November 12, 2018

taking a break

Some days I feel like I've said everything I need to say at least once, and writing more is just a different version of something I've already written.

Other days I'm even more critical wondering who really cares about my day-to-day when there are so many important, bad-news stories around.

I have friends and family I know who would be happy if I gave up my blog. They think I either expose too much or should use my writing time to do something more productive — like volunteer.

And when I write, I reveal a part of myself to the world, and therefore risk being judged. Right now, I'd prefer not to take that risk. I could never be a politician or celebrity. My skin is not tough enough.

So I'm taking a little break through the end of the year.

I won't bother people at Thanksgiving who just want to socialize and have fun without worrying about seeing their photos on my blog.

Or friends who would rather not be photographed or written about at all.

It's not good-bye; it's more like see you soon.

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