Thursday, April 4, 2019

how did this happen?

I am about to leave work and notice my glasses. 

How did the arms get so messed up? I have no idea. 

But then, I have no idea about a lot of things.  For example...

In October 2017 I replaced a butter knife when I noticed I had only seven, instead of the eight place settings I had bought years prior. How do you lose a butter knife? I never take them out of the house. So I have no idea.

The other day, I am putting on a pair of shoes I haven't worn in a while. I feel something in the toe area. I take the shoe off and find a butter knife with scraps of food on it. Huh?!

How did a dirty knife make its way into my shoe? The only explanation I can come up with is that I am losing my mind and I put it there. 

But a good friend offers her explanation. 

"Maybe you had people over for dinner, and someone dropped a knife. And maybe you had your shoes off and the knife landed in one of them. And maybe you put the shoes back in the closet after dinner and didn't wear them for a while." 

I decide to go with that explanation — not because I necessarily believe it, but because it's better than the one I came up with.

So, back to my glasses.

I am going to throw them out, but decide to write to Eyebobs instead. I explain the situation and get this response:

Thank you for contacting us!  Now just sit tight.  Our irreverent and slightly jaded customer service team will respond to your request within 1 business day – pinky swear!

Bob (state-of-the-art eyebob wearing email robot)

Okay, so its one of those cutesie companies. But I do love their readers that come in a million great styles and strengths.

Anyway, they do respond and quickly resolve my problem.

I get a free label. Send in my glasses. And a few days later they are returned.

I love when companies offer both a great product and great customer service.

Thank you robot Bob.

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