Monday, September 7, 2020

last day of summer

Every day for the past five days the weather has been perfect. Sunny. 70's. Clear blue sky.

I start the day with a four-mile walk over to Old Silver Beach. 

It's a little after nine and the man who's there to ensure cars are properly stickered is still having breakfast.

Late summer beachgoers are already settling in, knowing the beach will be packed within a couple of hours. 

My legs have never looked so long. 

I get back to my mom's feeling as if I've accomplished something.

I'm in no hurry to get to the beach. I actually don't want any more sun; I'm as tan as I want to be. In fact, for the last two days I've even been wearing a hat.

But I do love reading on the beach, and am totally into my book,
The Vanishing Half by Britt Bennett.

Wild Harbor Beach isn't as crowded as it has been, which is nice. And my guess is that the day after Labor Day will find the beaches pretty empty.

But even here, on this gorgeous stretch of land, there's that reminder that our current reality is still nearby.


  1. Love Old Silver Beach...a beautiful place. And the long legs would be an extra added attraction for me; I should spend more time there. Any shark sitings there like on the outer Cape?

  2. look great, relaxed, happy!
