Sunday, February 21, 2021

dose #2

My second vaccination of Moderna is today. Four weeks and five days after the first. 

I wake up excited. 

I pack a small bag of the things I'll need:  photo ID, confirmation document, kindle (in case the line is long— I waited 90 minutes for the first shot), phone, and AirPods.

I also need to consider attire. When I walk I get hot, but when I wait in line in 35-degree weather, I get cold. Last time I was freezing.

First, I wear a loose-ish cotton long-sleeve tee, so it'll be easy to expose my arm.

Next I put on a lightweight down coat. Of all the coats I have (and I have many), I probably wear this one the most. And, it's probably the oldest.

I pack a down vest (that I wear more than I ever thought I would when I bought it).  If I need to layer up, I can. 

And then, just in case, I throw in a hat; I never wear hats.

Ok, I'm ready. I have enough to keep me occupied (music and book) and enough to keep me warm if the wait is long.

The walk over is beautiful. It's a gorgeous, sunny, crisp winter's day. The park is filled with people enjoying it. Soon, I am hot. And the one outfit I hadn't planned on wearing is the one I end up with. Vest only.

But the best part? I arrive and there is zero wait.

And the walk home is made even better by having the knowledge and comfort of being done.

In two weeks I should have about 94% immunity.  The positivity rate in NYC is now less than 5%.  I already feel this veil of anxiety melting away. And that feels very very good.


  1. Congratulations! I can only imagine the relief you feel! Of course, here in Massachusetts, we are envious. We have been online for hours over the past few days, but slots available. We'll just keep masking up and doing all we can to prevent getting sick, while still trying to register for the vaccine. But, just thinking back to a year ago, we really have come a long way. And have learned lots about creativity and resiliency among we humans!

  2. Congratulations!!
    Marlene & I are scheduled on Tuesday for our first shots - Pfizer. We are definitely ready, willing and able.
