Wednesday, April 21, 2021

a tiny love story

A modern love in miniature — that's what the New York Times calls its column. Submissions must be under a 100 words and can be about any type of love.

So I decide to submit. Not sure it'll get posted, but thought it was worth a try.

It was summer. A shared-house in Southampton. I met him there. He was 12 years younger. It didn’t matter. A summer fling, I thought. He was young, beautiful, and soulful. I should have anticipated the years of heartbreak that would follow. The acrimonious words we would have. The tears I would cry. But never would I have anticipated, nor traded, the meaningful relationship I would eventually develop with his parents. And his sister. Nor the magnificent son I would raise alone.

with my son on cape cod


The above photo was taken with Alexander on the Cape in 2015. 

The resemblance to his dad is strong.


  1. I hope it is published, but whether or not it is, the power of the love you and Alexander share endures. And the relationships developed with his grandparents and aunt are to be cherished. For all the pain, heartbreak, and tears, the young man you helped to create, nurture, and always love is worth it all!

  2. Lyn we love you very much, not because you are the mother of our grandson, who we
    adore, but for what you are.

    1. Oh Sal, you can't see it, but my heart is smiling. And, the feeling is mutual!

  3. Seems to be this wonderful love story is signed, sealed, delivered and published.... Beautiful...
