Friday, February 25, 2022

new beginnings

The weather forecast calls for sleet and pouring rain.

An email from The New York Times alerts me to the possibility of a delayed paper.

It doesn't matter. I am still going. 

The train ride to Phila is only an hour and twenty minutes. I leave in drizzly weather and arrive to sunshine.

I am meeting Alexander for lunch before he leaves. Tomorrow he takes off for Austin Texas. Or more literally, drives off. He couldn't be more excited.

After almost six years in Philadelphia, he has accepted a job at Bowery Valuation in Austin. He has an apartment with a good friend (which came slightly before the job offer). He couldn't be more thrilled. About the job. About the city. And about his living situation.

So I am for him.

Austin is far away. 1,749 miles, to be exact. If I want to see him, I can't just jump on a train or take a bus. 

But part of being a parent is wanting what your child wants. And being happy when they get it.

We have a quick lunch at a place called The Love. The cold-but-sunny weather does not deter us from eating outdoors. The little enclosed hut is surprisingly warm. And the food we choose is fattening but great.

Despite my son having told me, "I have too much to do. I'd love to see you, but seriously don't have time," I think he's genuinely glad I came. He tells me he is.

New adventures await him. I pray they are all good. 

And that it's not too long before we share another meal.


  1. Lyn - It's good to "hear" from you again. I'm thrilled that Alexander has found a new job and living arrangements. Hopefully he is a stanch Democrat and he can change some minds in Texas (sorry, I had to add that).

    1. He's a little too far right for my tastes, but Austin is this liberal city in the middle of a red state...I'm hoping he'll be influenced to move a bit to the left. would help eliminate a lot of a arguments.

  2. He's gonna love Austin. Great city and expanded non stop flights.
    Tell him it's a good move for him. What about his lady friend?

    1. He's excited. Who knows what will happen with Megan (whom I adore)... long distant relationships are challenging. and btw, you come up as anonymous...who are you?

  3. How nice that you had that pre departure meal. Austin is a great place- adventures await!

  4. Good to see a post from you. And it's great that you spent some time with Alexander before he begins this new chapter/adventure in his life. Perhaps a trip to Austin for you before the weather gets too hot there?? I know how you love the heat! I hope he and Megan find a way to make it work, but as you say, long distance relationships can be tough.

  5. Lyn, we all should be happy for my grandson Alexander. He is very excited about his new job and I am sure he will be very succesfull . When you love what you do is always very
    easy. I know that Austin is far away from home, but today is not far , just thins of me in
    1949. Love Sal

    1. Yes, Capri to NY is a lot further than NYC to Austin!!!! Hope he's as successful and happy as you are. xo

  6. How exciting that Alexander is embarking on a new chapter in his life. But, I understand how hard it is as a mother to have your heart both soar and ache at the same time as you see your kids happy and succeeding but growing up and moving away. (It’s so great to see a blog post from you. Keep them coming.)

  7. You expressed my mixed feelings perfectly!
