Tuesday, January 2, 2024

so about those 2023 photos (quick update)

When you have a problem with a company, write to the CEO. That person is going to care a whole lot more than some person who is likely working across the world and has no interest in solving your problem; they are happy to just check off some proverbial box.

So I find the name of the Mimeo CEO. And my investigative friend Robin finds his email address. 

I write at 9:24 pm on January 1. At 12:15 am on January 2 (less than three hours later), he responds. It's a very nice note, showing genuine concern. He tells me that his GM for the Photo Business will be in touch.

By 9 this morning that person calls.

We have a grerat conversation. He promises he'll be meeting with his tech team today to address the problem. We talk for awhile, and I tell him of a couple of things they should think about doing and he is appreciative. So much so, that he asks me if I would like to be part of their User Advisory Board. Whatever that is, I enthusiastically say yes.

Minutes after hanging up, he sends me a code so the book I'll be buying will be free.

Soon the CEO again follows up and in part writes,

... we appreciate your feedback and we will do our best to learn from it to become a better company.  I know that you had the choice to delete our app and move on in frustration, and instead, you took the time to reach out.  Thank You!

it doesn't get much better than that. If only all companies were this responsive! How does that song go, "What a wonderful world it would be."


  1. Thank you for spreading this good news. David E.

  2. Lyn, you are unique! Not many people would take the time and initiative to contact the CEO!
