Sunday, January 25, 2015

monster storm on its way

It's Sunday night.  The big news is the impending snowstorm.  15-18 inches is the forecast. Starting Monday, into Tuesday.  I hope Al Roker and his friends are right.

I don't have to shovel; I don't have to drive; I can get to Agata easily; I have food in my fridge; and I'm not flying anywhere. 

The news excites me. I love the snow. 

When I was growing up, it used to snow a lot more than it does now.  I remember huge snowdrifts in front of my house, left by the plowers barreling up and down Brewster Road.  My sisters and I, along with all the other neighborhood kids, would build fortresses and snowmen.  We'd have snowball fights.  And go sledding at Thorny Lea, the golf course just up the street from my home.The better hills were at D. W. Parkway, near the tower.

But that required someone's parent to drive us. So typically we'd just drag our aluminum flying sauces  behind us, and walk to Thorny Lea.  Back then, 6-year-olds wandered the streets alone with others their same age. It wasn't unusual.

I miss those big blizzards.  The kind that last for days.  And where the snow stays white for more than just a few minutes.

The last big storm I remember was in January 1996. Alexander had juster turned four.  There was so much snow that East 78th Street was closed.

Some intrepid skiers even ventured up First Avenue being pulled by slow-moving cars.  

Last year it snowed a lot, but I don't remember any big blowout storms.  It's been a long time since the city has been buried in that beautiful white stuff.  

We are long overdue. I hope the forecast is right.

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