Monday, October 26, 2015

misophonia, oh that must be what I have

The petite woman who lives above me has no rugs in her living room. When she walks around it sounds like elephants charging. This doesn't seem to bother Alexander. I can't stand it.

People talking on their phones in buses is a real irritant. The short, "I'm running late,"  calls are fine.  It's the loud or incessant talkers that bother me most.

And what about people who don't know how to chew gum?  The ones that chew with their mouths open or crack their gum as they chew. Horrible.

The muddy mumbled  noise that seeps out of headphones when people are listening to music makes my skin crawl.

I find all these ambient noises so annoying, you'd think I'd prefer to live on a farm in the middle of Kansas.

But today I learn that it's not bad manners or clueless people that are annoying, it's that I am suffering from a neurological disorder. 
Yes, I'm sure that's it. It's not that people are being rude, it's that I have a disease.

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