Monday, November 2, 2015

this blog and my son

How else to put it?  My son always gives me sh*t about this blog. He's not alone.

When I was on the Cape this summer, I was told innumerable times, "Don't put that in your blog." Some of what I was banned from telling was interesting, but most was pretty banal.

Some friends have said, "Don't ever write about me." They don't want their names appearing on my blog for any reason — even if it's just to say we had dinner together.

As for pictures?  A few friends require veto-power if they're in a photo I want to post. Even a group shot.

I avoid writing things that invade anyone's privacy, or could be hurtful or embarrassing

But mostly the things I can't write about (or don't write about) would be the best posts to read.

Alexander, one of my subjects, no longer wants a featured role. In fact, he's in disbelief that anyone even reads this blog, though he takes much pleasure in exaggerating its appeal.

He'll come home and say, "Hey, did I tell you?  Someone stopped me on the street and said, 'Aren't you Alexander? I recognize you from your mom's blog.'

Or, "I bet there are people who sit around as a family and read your posts, sort of like communal television watching." He goes further. "The husband probably comes home excitedly from work each day and asks, "Honey, is today's post up yet?"

But if I want to post anything about him?  OMG. So much defending (or is it begging?) is involved.

The post can't be anything remotely negative (and the bar for what Alexander considers negative is set very low). It also can't reveal anything private, even if it's about a new part time job...sorry, I'm not sure I can write about it.  I need to show Alexander the post I'm considering and then I need to defend it. This usually ends in some kind of argument and my having to re-write or delete the post entirely, usually the latter.

It's really a shame. This blog could be so much better, if only I could write about the stuff I know I shouldn't.

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