Wednesday, January 25, 2017


I have much to say, but little to write.

Some things are too personal. Or involve other people. Or would be just plain boring to read about.

But my life is busy with stuff I don't want to be busy with.

I mean, how interesting is it to hear the details of my $35/month cable bill increase? Because Time Warner is now owned by Spectrum — and because my TW bill has been "grandfathered" in — and because the new Spectrum bill for the same service is much higher — there is nothing to negotiate.

Then there's the month long problem I've been having with my new Kindle Oasis not charging. That horror story would be worthy of a few blog posts but really, even with a satisfying outcome (a new Kindle), how interesting would the details of that be?

Oh, and I'd be remiss in not mentioning that my recent paychecks barely cover my food. Returns for the past two weeks have been 47% and 51% of sales. Almost $11,000 in returns means a teeny tiny paycheck. Pretty close to minimum wage.

Two weeks ago I fortuitously meet the head of Marketing in a Via.  I email her the next day and briefly tell her about myself and suggest a meeting. I even prepare a small presentation. I picture myself in a corporate job. I'd be good. Today she writes back," I'l reach out to your HR partner to set something set up in the next few weeks. "  Honestly, I don't even know what that means, except it doesn't sound encouraging.

I still have my Apple iMac that keeps crashing and making me miserable. I've been trying to see if my potential savior David M at the Apple store on Madison will take it back in favor of a MacBook Pro —  I'm still vacillating between the compact, easy to carry, 13 inch, and the bigger screen 15 inch. That is, if he'll take it back at all. 

I wake up in the middle of the night haunted by the stuff I don't write about.

I am anxious and over-thinking everything.

I am even considering meditation. M says it helps.

I need something.

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