Tuesday, February 14, 2017

a play in two days

I meet Susan at Westville.

We are having dinner before seeing a new play called Yen by Anna Jordan. That was last Tuesday.

Westville is my favorite go-too place for a casual, inexpensive dinner. It's a nondescript whole-in-the-wall I discovered years ago. The food is outstanding, the menu long and varied, and the prices gentle. It's unfortunate that the desserts are as good as they are as we always end up getting one.

Our seats are first row. We are practically in the squalid apartment watching porn with the two teen boys when the play opens. It's a brutal first act. 

Should we stay for act two?  I don't know. The play did start to get more interesting in the last scene before intermission. But it's so dark and depressing. These are not the kind of people I want to spend time with. And you just know the ending is not going to be a happy one. Not that I need a happy ending. It's just all so dismal. We leave.

My Via picks me up in literally two minutes.

I get home and then read the reviews. Now I wish I'd stayed. 

I call MCC theater the next day and get another ticket for tonight.

I'm glad I went, but should have stayed the first time around. The second act, far more powerful than the first, costs me an extra $15, another Via, and three more hours of time. 

Tomorrow I'm supposed to see Jitney. A two and a half hour play by August Wilson. Lots of dialogue and little action is my guess from the reviews.

I'm thinking of skipping both acts.

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