Saturday, November 11, 2017

happy 25th

Hard to believe, but today Alexander turns 25.

I have to work all day, but we decide on a low-key celebration tonight.

It's cold and sunny (my second favorite kind of weather, a major snowstorm being my first). Work is miserable. I sell one T-shirt, earning $15 for my 8-hours.

I call my son a few times throughout the day. We decide on staying in. I've left my credit card with Alexander, and have told him that if he doesn't want to go out, then to order whatever he wants for dinner. He chooses sushi from Sushi of Gari, a whole-in-the-wall Japanese restaurant with some of the best sushi in the city.

He chooses well.

He does better on the food than on his movie choice. Earlier in the day Alexander had said, "Let's watch a movie tonight. It's my birthday so I get to pick." 

But then he chooses some "heard -it-was-great" supernatural horror film about a demented doll. I know it's my son's birthday but I still can't bring myself to agree. I suggest Law & Order SVU instead and Alexander concedes (after seeing his well-fought arguments for Annabelle Creation having zero effect in swaying me). 

But we never just watch L&O. Throughout, we pause to talk. Either about some issue the show raises (bullying and rape, in this episode) or some other thoughts the show provokes. It almost always takes us a couple of hours to get through a one-hour episode, making it far more interesting than it would be otherwise.

Alexander is not a big dessert-person, but it's his birthday, and as a mom, I have the responsibility of making sure he gets to make a wish.  I buy him one of his favorites (a Tiramisu cake). 

Alexander always takes his wishes seriously. He says he doesn't believe in them, but I think he does. He has given me my wish for him. He tells me he's never been happier.

And I hope with all my heart that the wish he's chosen for himself comes true.

Happy 25th baby. 

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