Saturday, September 1, 2018

how to treat a customer

Okay, so I've written plenty on how customers should treat salespeople. But there should be rules for how customers should be treated.

Where I work, sales associates really do try to give the customer what she wants (our customers are mostly shes). One of my colleagues was recently even offered a tip (she declined) from a very grateful customer.

A few weeks ago, while I was on the Cape, I saw this framed photo at my sister's house taken by her son. My nephew Jack (an incredible photographer) generously gives a print to both M and me.

We bring our prints into Michael's to be framed.  I decide on a white frame, and can't be there to pick it up, so M volunteers.

We get a call that our frames are ready. M goes in and sees a blue smudge on my white frame, and it can't be removed.  

A week later she comes back and this time there's a noticeable dent in the frame.

How is it that the manager of framing, Scott, didn't notice the flaws either time? Since M is coming to NY soon, and leaving the Cape tomorrow, she needs to have the frame re-done today. This time, she picks the frame.  All Scott has to do is switch it out with the dented one. Everything else is done. And, if Scott can't have it ready by the end of the day, I won't get it until Thanksgiving when my mom visits NY. 

Scott's response, "I'll do my best, but I can't promise."  Really Scott? 

Getting it wrong once, not good. Getting it wrong twice, very not good. Then not even being able to commit to getting it done today? And no apologies.? Why is Scott even dealing with customers?

I ask for the store manager. She apologizes and tells me that of course it will be done today. And it is.

Versus Amazon Prime. The gold standard in customer service.

I get a shipment of 60 Keurig Pods of Peet's Columbia Luminosa Light Roast.

Problem is I ordered Major Dickason Dark Roast. I call Amazon and they offer two choices.

Keep what you have and we'll refund your money; or,
Keep what you have and we'll send you the correct coffee.

I choose the latter. And, I come home from work and my coffee has arrived. Same day.

If only Amazon could train the world in Customer Service, the world would be a happier place.

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