Sunday, March 3, 2019

a friend I didn't know I had

I'm at work. It's a good day.

I'm helping a customer with a transaction that is taking a while. I see someone waiting for me ...

An attractive woman, nicely dressed in a green wool coat. Probably wants to do a return, I think.

Finally, after 15 minutes or so, I am finishing up with my customer and see the green-coated woman still waiting.

She approaches me and says, "I love your blog."

I am stunned. 

I have never seen this woman before. 

She knows about my mom living on the Cape. My son in Philadelphia. My job. My makeup preferences. And lots in between.

I don't even know her name.

It turns out that a few years ago, a friend of mine from BAFTA passed on the link to my blog to her, and she's been reading it ever since.

I am deeply and truly touched that a stranger would find my postings worthy of being read.

She asks for a photo to send to our mutual friend.

Yup, it's a very good day overall.

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