Sunday, February 24, 2019

wish I had a better ending

I have tickets to see a play tonight with Susan, Alice by Heart.

We are both members of MCC Theater — that's how we ended up with these tickets. But we are both underwhelmed with the premise — a musical that takes place in a bunker during the London Blitz, with all sorts of Alice in Wonderland references.

So we decide to skip the show, skip dinner, and both stay home and do nothing. I love days like this.

A whole day free. No plans.

I read some.

Catch up on calls.

Play Canasta online (I've become a  a Canasta Junction junkie).

And organize.

While doing the latter, I come across an old photo album, and in it, a fuzzy photo of a cute classmate from college.

I wonder what became of him. So I do some Google research.

John is easy to find. He's still handsome, lives in NJ, and is an accomplished musician.

 I Google more.

I even watch some videos of John singing and playing piano. I had no idea in college just how talented he was. I feel I know him all over again.

He is married. Lives nearby. And has children.

I become so engrossed in the life of this old college dorm mate that I decide to contact him. I find his FB page and write:

John- I hope you get this and maybe even remember me. We lived in the 
same dorm (Miller, I think) at Tufts and I was friendly with you and Steve Sayer. 
I came across your picture, then googled you. You look incredible, 
and congrats on a successful career in music. Thought you'd enjoy the photo...
you look pretty much as I remember you, except for the hair color! 

I hope to hear back from him but have no expectations.

But then today, I awake to this:

Lyn, of course I remember you. I googled you and see that you haven't changed 
much either. I've been single for a few years now (lest you get the wrong 
idea about me) and would love to catch up in person. Would it be okay to call?

Such a great ending (beginning?) to this little story. 

Except that's not what happened.

This morning I do get a response from John. This is what it really says:

Lyn, thank you for the kind words. Apparently there is another 
John Korba that I am not aware of because I never attended Tufts, 
and alas this is not me. 🖖

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