Thursday, February 7, 2019

bad beginning, great everything else

My very good friend M arrives late Tuesday afternoon. She drives up to my apartment to drop off her bags.

"I lost my earring. The good one."

She has many good ones. These particular good ones are white gold hoops.

M leaves her small bag with me to bring upstairs and goes to park at the exact same garage she uses every time she visits. And, she always uses the same car when she drives to NY. This time the attendant won't let her in. "Sorry. Your car is too big." Huh?! It wasn't the last five times she was here.

Anyway... M finds another garage around the corner. Much nicer people there. She parks and goes to the Chase ATM on the corner.

She requests $300. Is debited $300. And receives $200. This takes a full day and multiple calls to resolve.

By the time M gets to my apartment, she's not happy (though she does find her earring on the street near her car).  She sets up her iPad to check mail. None. None on her phone either.  This becomes a two-day affair with Apple to resolve.

Me? I only have one issue. I can't find my TV remote. I check everywhere and it's gone. How can one possibly lose a remote in a small apartment? 

Thankfully M's bad beginning is not indicative of the rest of her visit.

Two amazing dinners:  one at Yefsi (great Greek food near my apartment) and one in the West Village with Josie — an exceptional small Italian restaurant.

An okay play (Bryan Cranston is astonishing in Network though the rest of the play is slightly better than average, and at two hours, definitely needs an intermission). 

A trip to Homenature to look at chairs. It takes me forever to find the exact right piece of furniture but I'm close.

And just hanging out.

As always, M's the perfect guest and her time here is always too short.

This morning she leaves. 

As we are loading up M's car, I see a Spectrum truck. Okay, I'll ask, expecting no results and more frustration.

"I lost my remote and was wondering if you had an extra one?"

The driver goes to the back of his truck. Opens it. Takes out a brand new remote. Programs it to my Samsung TV. And hands it back to me. I'm in love.

Really, what are the chances!

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