Monday, June 8, 2020

day 100

It's been 100 days since the first COVID-19 case was diagnosed in New York.

And today NYC is partially opening.  

Today's numbers — numbers we've grown accustomed to looking at daily — are excellent. 

A random sampling of tested people in NYC shows less than a 2% infection rate (it's actually 1.2%). Compare that to 59% when the virus was at its peak, 9 weeks ago. 

I've even become more lax in wiping down packages. I still do it, but not quite as compulsively. Looking forward to the day when it's not even a thought.

I celebrate the beautiful weather by going to a nearby park.

It's nothing like the grandeur or beauty of Central Park.

There is no ground greenery. Just concrete and benches.


Its appeal is in its location — a block from my home.

I take my Kindle (am reading and enjoying Kate White's new book, Have You Seen Me?)

Stretch out on a bench; no one is even remotely near me.

Remove my mask and bask in the warm sunlight.

Like all New Yorkers, I am hoping that today marks the beginning of the long road back.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds so wonderful! Let's hope it really is the beginning of that long road back!
