Sunday, November 22, 2020

hair, lines, and broken plans

It's been a slow week. No different from most.

I get my hair cut —  the third time since COVID distancing began. I love the little place I go to, Blu Bocker on the UES. They take all the necessary precautions. And this week I'm the only client there. 

My hair is more silvery than gray, and surprisingly shiny and healthy-looking. I'm anxious for it to be grown out so I can experiment with highlights (or lowlights). It seems to be taking forever and it's only (only???)  been nine months. 

It's something to look forward to, anyway. 

I have two goals: not to look old (er) and not to be a slave to having my hair colored every three or four weeks. For now, since no one sees me much anyway, having dual colors is not all that hard to live with.

And though my salon may be empty, the streets are not. 

I pass long lines of people waiting to get a COVID test before Thanksgiving. This scene, in front of a CityMD, starts on 86th St. and curls around the block and up 85th. 

Some people even come prepared for the long wait with their own chairs.

My walks during the week are mostly alone, but I look forward to the weekends when I typically walk with friends. Yesterday it was supposed to be Zelia, but that didn't happen.

And today, it's supposed to be four of us.

Around 9 we set a plan.

Then a few minutes later, the plan changes.

And within a half-hour of setting a plan, there is none.

On the positive side, this plan falling apart has nothing to do with COVID, unlike just about everything else.

But the promising news on the vaccine front gives us real hope that the end of this nightmare is in sight.  

It may be further away than we'd like, but at least we can see it. And that's a whole lot better than where we were in March and April.


  1. Yes, there is "light at the end of the tunnel". Dr. Fauci (love that man) says that by the 3rd quarter of 2021, we should all be in a good place in terms of the vaccine. Though that sounds so far into the future, it really isn't....and gives us all hope. There really is "light" out there. And there is a Biden era out there as well. Can any of us imagine beginning a new "job" at age 78, let alone the job of being president? If he can do this, we can all be inspired!!! Biden and vaccine both put us in a so much better place than we were last spring!

  2. I'm waiting for the texts from your wayward son, not full of thwarted plans but instead saying I'M HERE.
