Sunday, November 1, 2020

if this, then that

If you've been following the news lately (and who hasn't been), you've heard a lot of if this, then that.

IF Biden takes Florida, Georgia and NC, THEN Biden is likely the winner. And these states may even be called on election night.

IF Pennsylvania is leaning red, THEN that doesn't necessarily mean that Trump will take the state. Early voters tend to be Democrats, and Pennsylvania won't be finished counting early votes until well past election day.

IF Trump had been contrite after getting COVID, THEN his chances of winning would have improved (in my opinion). But the man just can't get out of his own way.

And IF more people looked like this, 

THEN maybe we wouldn't be seeing this.

And on a more personal note...

IF I hadn't taken a five-mile walk through Central Park this morning, 

THEN maybe I wouldn't have eaten this.


  1. Looks delicious. And after a 5-mile walk, you deserve it. Central Park still looking beautiful.

  2. In all honesty, it looks like you ate a little
    of that.

  3. I'm hoping that is your third or fourth piece and that you don't feel guilty over a mouse size bite of cake. Haha!
