Thursday, October 29, 2020

much to miss

Here we are, over 7 months in, and no real end in sight.

We've gotten used to bringing a mask everywhere we go. Of not being in big groups. Of keeping our distance. Of not entertaining. Of missing our friends and families.

It's been a long time now, and none of it feels natural.

I miss a lot of things, some big and some very small. 

For example, on the very small side, I miss not having my newspaper delivered to my door each morning. It's now dropped off in our building lobby.

I also miss:

  • Not giving any thought to taking a subway or bus.
  • Reading about off-broadway plays I want to see and then checking TDF to see about finding discounted tix.
  • Eating in a restaurant.
  • Going outside without a face mask.
  • Screening season.
  • Not being scared by people without masks and being scared by people wearing them.
  • Having people over... for dinner, for watching movies, for anything.
  • Playing weekly in-person canasta games.
  • Having a calendar that has stuff listed on it.
  • Getting to know three new family members as they grow from infants to real little people.
  • Celebrating holidays, birthdays, and other events with friends and family.
  • Not having to socially distance from everyone.
  • Turning on the TV and not seeing bad, upsetting news, all of the time.
  • Hearing stupid, offensive, untrue comments spewed by our president.
  • Driving in a car with someone else and not worrying if I need to mask up.
  • Angsting over the upcoming election.
  • Socializing outside of zoom.
  • Looking forward to wearing makeup and dressing up for something, anything.
  • Seeing your son without requiring him to get tested first.

I'm sure there are many more. 

It's still hard to believe how much life has changed. Even making a short list seems silly, as all of the changes have become almost commonplace.

But there will be a time — we just don't know quite when — that friends come over for dinner, that we celebrate Thanksgiving with only excitement and no second thoughts, and that we get to hug anyone we want. 

Until then, at least we're all in it together. And there is a lot to be said for that.


  1. Lyn, let's hope and pray that soon will hug each other

  2. Christmas Day is going to be bleak not watching movies with you.
