Friday, October 23, 2020

ghost town

Dear Mr. President:

In last night's final debate against VP Biden, I listened once again to your mistruths, conflation of facts, and outright lies. At least this time you tempered your bullying rhetoric. But calling New York City a ghost town? C'mon. You don't even live here.

Sure, we've been hit harder than most by COVID-19. 

Businesses are hurting. Many have closed.

Vacancies are up.

Broadway and movie theaters are shuttered.

No one I know has yet eaten in an indoor restaurant.

Many New Yorkers are biding their time in their weekend homes.

And some have left for good.

Yes, Mr. President, New York City has suffered. 

But to call us a ghost town?

Today is a soupy, overcast Friday. Not particularly nice. 

Yet Central Park is filled with runners. 

People are out exercising.

Dogs and their owners are conversing.

And some are just enjoying the reservoir's haunting beauty.

And it's not just the park.

The streets are lined with traffic.

Madison Ave is not empty.

Outdoor diners are everywhere.

And restaurants continue to erect covered outdoor seating areas.

Those living here are cautious. We have reason to be.

It is, for sure, a quieter New York. 

But a ghost town? 

The NY Post is famous for its bold headlines. 

I hope we see this one soon.

                                                                YOU'RE FIRED!

When that happens, the ghosts living here will be deliriously happy ones.


a ghost town citizen


  1. Lyn - another great post that hits the mark. The world can't wait until he is gone and he
    can once again go back to bankrupting his companies.

  2. We wondered how that comment would go over with NYC residents. Yet another thing "Cheeto" doesn't know...the definition of "ghost town". And he doesn't seem to know that in places that were never officially shut down, businesses are struggling anyway. Even in Republican-led states that had few imposed business restrictions, their economies are far from back to normal. Perhaps, Trump should read and gather some factual information. But then again, Trump wouldn't be Trump, if he did something like that! Excellent article in NYTimes by Ben Casselman & Jim Tankerersley (Oct. 22) dealing with just this very "real fact".

  3. Lyn, you are great. You did a fantastic work. Thank you. Keep writing.

  4. Terrific, Lyn. Yes, we have struggled, and because we open our doors to the world, we had a huge outbreak before anyone had learned how to cope. But we did. And New York is coming back-- watch out, Trump!

  5. Replies
    1. I would absolutely love that! Thanks. And btw, who are you...can't tell from the name habanera?

  6. Thank you for expressing that so perfectlyI was shouting at the TV after he said that, I was so angry.
