Saturday, October 24, 2020

the ramble

One of the many things that makes NY great is its endless offering of new discoveries.

And I'm not talking new stores, restaurants, Broadway shows or museum exhibits.

I'm referring to those things that have always been here.

It's a muggy, overcast fall morning.

Ronda, Zelia, Shari and I meet for a walk in Central Park. Shari suggests The Ramble, a part of Central Park that I've of course heard of, but where I've never been.

Tree-covered pathways wind throughout the 38 acres (that I later learn is its size).

Rustic structures that blend with the scenery pop up everywhere.

It feels like a faraway place but the big city lurking reminds us that it isn't. 

Bridges and archways, some hidden, some not, appear frequently.

There's even entertainment.

We come upon three separate weddings; here are two of them.

And in the end, we climb the equivalent of 19 flights of stairs.

It's a nice way to begin a Saturday.


  1. Amazing pics! I love the rustic structures, which make the scenery even more alluring. You do a great job in capturing the beauty of nature.
