Sunday, December 6, 2020

a happy home for amber

Once a week I check my lobby mailbox.

And the only reason I do it even that often is to remove the four magazines I subscribe to: EW, PeopleNY Magazine, and Consumer Reports.

I do all my bills online, and the same is true for any correspondence

I rarely write checks.

But I still receive a bit of actual mail.

Catalogs I never requested.

Alumni newsletters and magazines.

And flyers about things I don't care about.

I know that some mail and solicitations I get may be related to other interests I've shown or purchases I've made.

A new catalog, for instance, that sells similar items to another retailer I've used.

Or insurance companies looking to sell me a new plan. Or even protect the car I don't own.

Or a new restaurant opening in the area (though haven't seen many of those these days).

But recently I received something odd in the mail.

It's not in a generic envelope addressed to current resident.


It's addressed directly to me. 

Correct spelling and apartment number. Even used the extra 4-digits in the zip code.

It's a charity request for a most unusual cause.

Makes me wonder.

Of all the lists I do get on, how did I ever get on this one?


  1. I actually laughed out loud at this one. Only you, Lyn, only you.

  2. Lyn, I have been giving to the Ironwood Pig Sanctuary going on seven years now.
    Ironwood treats its pigs more compassionately than any pig sanctuary I have visited. Two years ago I attempted to adopt a pig from Ironwood named Poopsie, but Ironwood's policy is that they must visit your home beforehand to make sure your home meets the living standards they deem acceptable for their pigs. Long story short--I was turned down. I received my rejection in the mail, which basically said, my home was too much of a sty to properly care for Poopsie. I'm still smarting. I've been rejected before, but by a pig? It probably wasn't the best idea to begin with.
    Poopsie, most likely, wouldn't have gotten on well with my Shitzu.
