Friday, December 18, 2020

major snow in NYC?

I love a good winter snowstorm.

Last year we had none. It was a sad winter weather-wise.

So I was all excited when for days, the news has been all about the weather when Coronavirus cases and the vaccine were not being discussed.

Big nor'easter is on the way.

The biggest we've seen in years.

Long lines at grocery stores.

Plows all set.

8-12 inches expected in New York City.

It begins Wednesday night.

But it looks more like light, steady flurries. 

I wake up on Thursday, and run to my window, like a kid on Christmas morning.

Yes, it's the biggest snowfall we've had in 1001 days, according to the news.

But it's nothing like the ones I remember from my childhood. 

Or even years ago in NYC, when some streets were totally impassable, schools were closed for days, and parked cars looked like little bunny ski slopes.

Out one window, I see the pristine snow. This is the window that still has the shelter up for the construction going on underneath it. Pretty.

Then I look out the window next to it. Not so pretty.

Missing: the winter wonderland I'd hoped for.

So today I walk to the park. The pristine snow is already gone.

But it's worth the walk. 

Binghampton NY got 40 inches. 

Now that is a nor'easter. 

But it's still early in the season. I hope the next one that comes is a real one.


  1. It is still early in the season, so there is room for hope. We got about 10 inches in our area, though a lot more had been predicted. Still pretty, but should get dirty and slushy soon with warming temperatures. Fingers crossed for more of the white stuff over the next few months.

  2. I agree. I love storms—thunder, rain, snow. But they have to be BIG!
