Monday, July 19, 2021

a few cape oddities

My guess is that July and August represent the majority of revenue for most Cape businesses. 

Yesterday I suggest dinner at Crabapple's. A small nondescript restaurant with inexpensive, good food. "They're closed for dinner on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights," my mother tells me.

And then there's the cheese shop near my mom's. There's been an upside-down sign in front for years. It was put up that way by accident (I was once told) and never corrected. They are closed on Sunday and Monday.

And my favorite French Bakery, Maison Villatte. There's always a long line to get served. Everything there is great, especially their cranberry walnut bread. They are closed Mondays.

One of the best local restaurants, C-Salt, is closed Mondays and Tuesdays. Same as Dana's Kitchen, a great little breakfast/lunch place.

Oh, and forget the weather apps. It may say clouds in North Falmouth but I only see sun. Or it's raining at the beach (an 8-minute walk) and it's clear skies at my mom's.

Another oddity? The total lack of street lighting, making driving at night difficult. 

And then there's this. 

Most places no longer require masks. 

Walk along the beaches of Falmouth. Go into its stores. Stroll along Main Street. Or visit Mashpee Commons. You'll see very few, if any, masked people.

But you will find them at Cape Cod Bagel (whose bagels rival New York's).

What makes this odd (ridiculous would be a better descriptor), is that there is only outdoor service. 

1 comment:

  1. Go figure...human behavior is often a mystery. Despite the mysteries of life, hope you will enjoy your time on the Cape. Forecasts indicate some improvement is on the way.
