Sunday, July 18, 2021

a few cape highlights

So I've been on the Cape for almost two weeks. 

The weather has been miserable, but I don't mind all that much. I still get to enjoy the Cape's laid-back attitude and ocean views.

Since arriving on July 5, there have been few days of sitting on the beach. My dermatologist would be happy.

Every morning I open the front door and it looks (and feels) like this. Gray and humid.

A heavy fog sits over the water. And most days this July it doesn't lift.

I make amends with Dean. Remember him? Last summer we had an argument and I thought I'd never go in to his small market again. Well, this summer I change my mind. It's so much easier and less stressful to let anger go. I think, too, in retrospect, I was wrong. I see him in his store  and say, "Hey, I'm really sorry about last summer." He responds, "Why? What happened last summer?" I have no idea if he even gave it a second thought, or if he is being kind. Either way, we're good again.

My mom and I have been having fun together. Laughing at her non-tech skills, playing Canasta, and just doing a lot of nothing. At almost 92, she still walks most days, and is totally independent. Plus, with her new natural hair color, she looks amazing.

Zelia comes for a few days (and will be back today).  She's earned the status of best guest ever. My mom no longer considers her a guest, but more like family. 

I spend time at Jean and Jim's gorgeous, just-built house on the pond (not lake as my sister reminds me). The other night I bring in dinner from C-Salt. We sit outside in her picture-perfect backyard. We talk for hours, and laugh at her high-tech new stove that should require some kind of advanced course to learn. 

And finally, there are those long morning walks along deserted beaches. 

Fog or no fog, it's still pretty great.

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