Saturday, June 26, 2021

bad beginning leads to great ending


Remember my post about the laundry that came back dirty? And the final settlement of $600?

After I posted this story (in two blog posts), I get an email from a good friend. I'll call this person (who prefers anonymity) VGGF (as in, very generous good friend).

Like me, VGGF agrees that this small business did the right thing. They handled the problem exactly as it should have been handled. WIth apologies first. No excuses. Multiple attempts to re-clean the items. And in the end, a fair settlement.

It wouldn't have been unusual had this cleaners reacted differently —  especially during these very difficult COVID times when small businesses have experienced such a sharp decline in revenue.

My friend would like to recognize this cleaning business for doing the right thing. And so VGGF offers to send me a check for $600 so I can reimburse them.

At first, I say no.

I mean, after all, they did ruin my good sheets and a few other items. It wasn't their fault, but yet they were responsible. And how would I explain this, anyway? 

But a few days go by and I'm still thinking about my friend's generous offer. And I change my mind. 

If I can do a good deed and make someone happy, why not?

I write back to VGGF, telling this person I've changed my mind. And a few days later a $600 check arrives.

Today I go to the cleaners and Michelle, the owner, is there.

WIthout showing her the check, I tell her the story. Pretty much as I've relayed here, leaving out only the part about my initial response.

Then I hand her the check.

She looks at it.  Her hands go to her mouth. And her eyes fill with tears. She is totally overwhelmed with gratitude.

Her utter joy is infectious. It feels so good to be the bearer of nice news.

I ask Michelle if she'd like to make a video to thank my friend. She says yes. I hit record. She begins speaking and I get lost in her words. She is articulate and gracious. She speaks warmly and beautifully. It's about two minutes long and I can't wait to show my friend.

I get home and play the video back.

Yup. No video.

I guess I should stick to writing and not recording.

When I apologize to VGGF about the video the response I get is unexpected. "I'm glad it didn't work. I'd have been too embarrassed to watch it."

How lucky am I to have a person like that in my life?


  1. Wonderful . The world needs more people like
    Your friend

  2. Beautiful deed! What a special person!

  3. Your friend's empathy likely has led her to do many generous and kind deeds in her life! She, indeed, is a special person!
