Tuesday, June 22, 2021

an opinion on mask-wearing

I like rules. Not that I am particularly good at following them; I'm not. But I like knowing what the expectations are.

So now in my building, it's pretty much, do as you want regarding mask-wearing. Some doormen wear masks, others don't.

Most tenants wear masks. But there are those who will take our very small elevator unmasked. 

According to my building's management, "We can't enforce mask-wearing." They are a private business so I don't think that's true, but that's what they're saying. 

This morning I go to vote in the NYC primary.

I'm greeted at the door by a man whose mask is below his nose. To me, this is the worst possible decision. What does it even mean? I want to pretend to be wearing a mask but I don't really want to?

If you aren't going to wear a mask, then don't. But wearing one under your nose is just wrong. Plus, it looks stupid.

Some are still wearing masks.

While others don't have a mask anywhere on them.

And, the voters, too, are the same mix of totally masked to half-masked to no mask.

I don't know who is vaccinated and who isn't.

But the positivity rate in NYC is under 1% with over 70% being vaccinated, including me.

So I should feel safe. 

Yet still, I don't. At least not inside.

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