Sunday, October 2, 2022

first three weeks

So, week one.

New programs to learn (everything is on Office) and I am used to all the Mac programs.

A million different sources.

A new computer (that I love, a 16 inch MacBook Pro that the tech experts hate, since most of the company uses a PC). But it still takes time to organize all the settings.

An office with an incredible view:

In fact, my office is so nice that I am one of a few who prefers going in to not. I like separating work from home, and the office is an easy commute.

The building is new and high tech. The security is great — no lobby directory. ID's that are programmed for individual floors.  You scan your card, and the turnstile has a scanner that tells you what elevator to take. And of course there are no floors listed in the elevator.

The area around the office is beautiful too. It's in Battery Park, a section of the city that's been entirely rebuilt since 9-11. Stores and restaurants are everywhere. As well as trees. Boats.  And a lot of water. I feel like I've left Manhattan.

Weeks two and now three feel a lot more comfortable.

I'm getting used to all the programs, though I still have a ways to go.

Everyone I've met so far is incredibly nice. Very helpful. And respectful.

And the best part? 

No messy dressing rooms, and zero returns.


  1. Very impressive! Beautiful pics; you're an excellent photographer. Glad that you are happy with your new job!

  2. Fantastic! I am so happy for you!

  3. (from Mitzie) All so well deserved and isn't wonderful to work w/nice people, learning new programs (important for the brain ; ) and best ever location. Hooray!

  4. That’s awesome, Lyn. You so deserve this!

  5. Terrific! Love Battery Park.

  6. (From Linda) Lyn, I’m so happy for you—your new job sounds great!! What an amazing view from your office.

  7. Congratulations- they are lucky to have you! (David E.)

  8. (JeanDeighan) Hi Lyn, I never saw thus lovely post until I sought you out via the search function so I could IM you. This is great to read. Katie is well ensconced at Pierce Atwood in Portland, has found the love of her life, is getting married, and is proof that change is good. At the same time, she had the same magnificent view from her office at Seward Kissell at One Battery Park. You were ships passing in the night. How is Alexander? A full grown man.
    The reason I thought of you was to get a recommendation re user friendly software to make a grandchild photo book with a poem I wrote. The kids acted out my cheesy poem at Thanksgiving. Shutterfly? Others? Thanks in advance for any thoughts!
    Happy Yule!
