Wednesday, October 5, 2022

working and fasting

Today is Yom Kippur and I am fasting.

I always do. No food, no water, nothing.

But I do it more out of fear. Fear that if I don't, something terrible will happen.

I know this rationale is not a good one.

And, I work today. 

My fasting is probably canceled by my working on the day I should be atoning.

I know. This isn't at all the day's intent.

In late afternoon, I go to Fairway to buy some traditional food for my solo break-fast.

I decided not to join my family as I didn't want to leave work early, although I'm sure it would have been fine.

I'm at the Fairway deli counter, ordering. 

Lox. Creamed herring. Bagels. Cream cheese. And asking about the chopped liver.

That's when I see this adorable (albeit much younger) guy standing next to me. He asks for, and then samples, the chopped liver. He looks at me and says, "You should buy it. It's really good."

We start talking. He, too, is making a solo break-fast . And he too, is both working and fasting. 

"You're fasting?" I ask. "But you tried the chopped liver."

"Oh, no!!! I totally forgot," he says.  "I just tasted it on impulse. I am fasting."

Our banter continues. I feel young and flirty. It's a nice feeling.

But soon it's ruined.

I check out.

And while I'm walking home,  I look at my receipt, and see this.

How depressing! The $4.08 discount is hardly worth the reminder.

The cashier never even asked my age.


Maybe this story would have had a different ending had I not both worked and fasted.


So after I post the above, my friend Ellen texts me, 

As always. Laughing from you, but taking it a step further….: guilty about working on Yom Kippur but no guilt of buying shrimp and prosciutto to accompany your traditional break-fast food. Lol! L’shana Tova.

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