Thursday, November 23, 2023

thanksgiving unraveled

Two weeks ago today I wake up with a sore throat, stuffy nose and horrible cough. I go to Urgent Care where I'm told my vitals are excellent and I definitely don't have COVID. Weird to feel so awful and be told I'm so healthy.

So now it's Thanksgiving, and while I still have a bad cough, I otherwise feel fine.

The plan is to go to my nephew Adam's house. It'll be a large group, though we'll still be missing Sally, my niece who lives in Barcelona. Jason and his family of five, who will be in Florida. And Michael who will be with Dom in LA. Not the whole crew, but as our family grows, it gets harder and harder for us all to be together.

Alexander arrives home yesterday. My mom, sister Jean, her husband Jim and son Jack are all set to drive up from the Cape. This is my favorite holiday. Eating. Family. Socializing. No religious traditions. And what always is a lot of fun. My family is fun.

Yesterday I go downtown to get my hair highlighted with the amazing Mai. I'm sitting in the chair loaded up with aluminum.

My phone rings. It's my sister Valerie. And this is what happens in that short phone call.

  • I learn that four-year old Henry has RSV.
  • Two-year-old Charlotte has a bad cold.
  • Adam and Rachel can no longer host as both their kids are sick. (They have already prepared for a big group, including two turkeys, a set table, flowers, etc.).
  • Jack is sick so the whole Massachusetts contingency is now not coming.
  • Valerie and Abbey are able to get a reservation at their Country Club through some last- minute miracle.
  • Valerie hears my raspy voice and I tell her about my lingering cough. She's concerned that if I come to the Club I could inadvertently expose 100-year-old Rita to my bad cough/cold and I agree; I don't want to do that. But Alexander is still welcome.


I call Alexander and in a rare display of solidarity my son opts to stay home with me.

We are all disheartened. Everyone's favorite holiday has just unraveled.

But then I think...

While disappointing, we are still all so blessed. Everyone's healthy. My family will celebrate another time. I have many incredible friends. I live in an amazing city in an amazing country, even with all its flaws. I am working. I have plenty of food in the fridge. I have a digital library of almost 200 current films to watch (I vote in the British Academy Award-equivalent and get all the latest movies this time of year). Am my son is home.

And Mai always does the best job!

Oh and did I mention? My son is home.

I have much to be grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. Lyn - Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Cuz. Get well soon!

  3. Sorry to hear your plans go screwed up. But spending the time with Alexander sounds wonderful!! Also, I’m worried about that lingering cough. Do you have a regular doctor who you could see, just to be safe? Anyway, I’m thankful for another year of your friendship.

  4. What a bummer. Enjoy having your son home

  5. I have no doubt that you and Alexander will have a great time… (your hair looks great!) Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Love the hair!! Happy Thanksgiving 🎈
