Friday, March 27, 2015

the last break before graduation

Spring break at Cornell begins today.  

I haven't seen Alexander since he returned to school on January 4th. 

For the past few weeks, the conversations I've had with my son have gone something like this.

"So, did you book your bus yet?"

"No, I tried to get the Cornell bus but it was too late. I'll just take the other bus."
(Meaning the Shore Line bus where you: don't need a reservation; can be assured of at least a five hour trip;  will likely sit next to a questionable character; and will be dropped off up at Port Authority vs. a few blocks from our apartment. But it is half the price.).

"Okay. Let me know when you know. Can't wait to see you."

"Me too."

Then this week.

"Hi. Do you know when you're coming home?"

"I can't talk right now. I have something due every day this week." He sounds totally stressed.

"Okay, but..."

"Listen, I've gotta go. I really need to study. I'll call you later."

And then finally today.

"So how did everything go?"

"Good I think." He sounds relaxed and happy.

"Great. So when are you coming home?"

"I'm not sure I am. I need to start work on three big papers all due at once, and the books I need are all in the library up here."

Well, I guess it's good that I hadn't bought groceries yet.

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