Monday, March 14, 2016

nail vacation

January 12. I go to see a podiatrist. 

Although he specializes in feet, I assume his knowledge extends to toes and therefore nails.  And so I ask him about some unusual whiteness on my fingernails. Specifically, the whites at the bottom of my nails — the portion just above the skin — show an uneven edge. The doctor looks at my nails and offers a solution: You need to take a break from wearing nail polish.

He gave me the same advice a year ago and I couldn't bring myself to follow it.  No clean looking ballet-slippered fingers? No dramatic smokin' hot nails? No toe improvement at all? And no break from life, sitting in a big vibrating chair reading a book, while someone massages my feet?

But hey, it's winter, and my toes aren't exposed. So going without polish on my feet is really not much of a sacrifice. But my fingernails? I am afraid I'll feel under-dressed. Still, I want my nails to be healthy again and so I decide to try it.

It's now been nine weeks without polish, and surprise, surprise — I'm not even missing it. In fact, quite the opposite. I find it liberating.

I don't have to sneak in 45 minutes a week for a manicure. Double that for a manicure/pedicure. I'm saving money. My nails don't chip. I can (and do) cut, file and shine my own nails easily. And they always look acceptable.

I've cut my nails down as short as possible. Barely any whites at all.  My nails feel clean all the time. Healthy. And at work, they never get in the way, or look dull and sloppy.

When summer comes I may change my mind, but for now, I'm enjoying the freedom of going color-free.  Oh, if I were only brave enough to try that on my hair!

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