Monday, March 21, 2016

triple celebration

My good friend Shari celebrated her birthday in late February. A dinner was planned three weeks ago. But bad colds were in abundance then, and too many coughing, sneezing people led to a rescheduling.

In the meantime, I get a year older, and Brooke is about to (though she is still the youngest among us).

So the dinner originally planned for February 29 gets switched to tonight, and instead of celebrating one birthday, we are now celebrating three.  The destination remains unchanged: Zuma, a zen-like restaurant specializing in modern Japanese cuisine.

I take Via there for $2.25. Most of the others do the same.  We get a great table, and everyone agrees (some reluctantly) to a group photo.

The food is amazing, abundant, and gorgeously presented. We haven't gotten together as a group in a while, and it feels good. The energy is high. Many laughs, lots of stuff to catch up on, and even an admission by one of the Republicans among us that she would vote for Hillary over Trump. 

Two drinks in, Zelia and I go to the restroom upstairs. It's like entering the twilight zone. I take a picture to make sure that the long, barely lit hallway leading to the restroom is real.

It is. And the bathroom is as luxurious as the dining rooms.

We make it back to the table, in time for dessert. 

I get home and feel so grateful to have these strong, smart, fun women in my life. 

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