Wednesday, August 24, 2016

face from the past

I'm walking to Grand Central after seeing a screening of an intriguing new documentary called Tickled. The Q&A after with David Farrier (the film's star and director) is every bit as good as the film itself.

It's a beautiful night. I'm actually thinking how much I love the city.  Knowing its streets. Its subway system. Its newest exhibits (not that I go to them). And how to get around without the need to ask for instructions. I'm more comfortable here than I am anywhere else, and it's a good feeling.

I'm about to cross the street when I look up and see a familiar face, a face I haven't seen in a very long time.

In 2005, I was hired as Sr. VP Packaging by the then CEO of PHD Media, Steve G (real name). And though I liked the people and the environment, the job never materialized into anything substantial, despite the nice title and big corner office. And when the agency lost some major clients, Steve had no choice but to let me go. I understood Steve's decision, and would have made the same one myself, probably months earlier. That was in May of 2006. 

When I see Steve my first thought is, he looks exactly the same. 10 years later and he hasn't changed a bit. My next thought is, I wish I'd worn makeup (or at the very least mascara) and not relied solely on my tan. 

Steve held the highest position in the company, yet he was always approachable. Fair. And kind. Given the competitive nature of advertising, it's not all that common to find someone who is respected, smart, and a really nice guy. 

We talk for a few minutes about what we're doing. He's still involved with advertising and now the digital world. I confess my day job, but also tell him about my work with BAFTA.

That's another thing about New York that I love. You never know who you'll bump into.  I should remember that the next time I go out and opt for a no-makeup look.

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