Monday, September 18, 2017

back to reality

I leave my apartment and discover it's raining.

I return to my apartment and get a raincoat.

I get to midtown and the streets are blocked with big metal barriers and police everywhere.The corner I need to access to get to work is cordoned off. The UN is in session and our President is in town. 

No one can get through. And the line keeps growing of people waiting to cross 50th and Madison. A man behind me (not in this photo) asks not to be photographed. He is carrying a legal-sized file folder with his name and cell number sprawled across it in big block letters. Impossible to not see. I point out that his privacy may already be compromised; he laughs.

Eventually the block is opened and we are all allowed to pass. 

This is how my day starts.

I begin work at 9:30 today. 

I am intro-ing a screening tonight of Kingsman: The Golden Circle. Shari's coming with me. I skip lunch to leave at five, as the screening starts at seven.

Around four I feel a little faint, having eaten only a muffin for breakfast.

It's a slow day, but around 4:30 I start helping an incredibly nice woman. Around 5:30, she is just getting into the dressing room. By 5:45, I cancel my evening plans. 

I find a replacement to intro.

I tell Shari I can't come.

And I finally leave around 7:30. 

I grab a Via.

Traffic home is worse than this morning. 

There are two other passengers beside myself in the car. One is a young girl, plugged in and quiet.

The other girl is sitting in the front seat complaining to the driver the entire way. To accentuate her displeasure with the ride, she forcibly slams the door upon leaving.  As if the driver created the traffic! People like her should be banned from shared cars. She makes everyone miserable.

I stop for a grilled tomato and mozzarella cheese sandwich at the local diner before coming home. 

Life as usual continues.

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