Tuesday, May 15, 2018

more people say yes than no

Finally. After thinking about it for a year, I  purchase the Nikon D5600.

Amazon makes it easy: five equal payments, all interest-free. 

I was going to throw out my Nikon D80 body (purchased in 2007) that no longer works, but thought instead, maybe someone wants it.

So I post it on Craig's List. 

My Nikon D80 (body only with battery and charger) doesn't work. I have no idea if the repair will cost a little or a lot. But if you want it, it's yours. No charge.

Within 10 minutes, I have 7 texts of people who can come by and pick it up. By 7pm it belongs to Min, a pleasant man who'll be using it for its parts.

Today I go out to test my new camera. 

I approach people on the street with a simple, "Hi, can I take your picture?" I'm surprised at the many sures I get in response. Whoever says New Yorkers are unfriendly is just plain wrong.

A few do ask why, and then I tell them, "I just got a new camera and want to try it out."

So here are some random New Yorkers, strolling the Upper East Side around noon today.

I have a lot to learn about this camera, but it's nice to know it works fine, even when set on automatic.

1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed that you stopped strangers on the street and took these pictures.
