Monday, May 17, 2021

a legal drug buy

On the way home from the Cape, out of curiosity more than anything else, Zelia and I make a stop in Wareham to check out Verilife — a cannibas dispensary.

We find the place with little problem. There is a small parking lot in the back for medical clients, but none for recreational ones.  A police officer, in sparkly sunglasses, stands in front of Verilife. She tells us where we can maybe find a space but she is not optimistic. 

After a second or two, she says, "Do either of you have any medical issues?"

"No," we both answer.

"What about trouble walking?"

"No," we respond.

At this point I begin to suspect that she is really trying to help us out.

"What about knee issues?"


"Well, I do have arthritis in my left knee," I truthfully respond.

She immediately takes out her walkie and talkie and says to some guy in the back lot, "I am allowing the next car to park here. I've approved them for discretionary parking."

I love this women.

We get in line. Yes, at 10am there is already a line. And though no one seems to care, we look different from most of the others who are waiting.

The offerings are printed on 4-pages. Different kinds of cartridges (whatever that means). Flowers (not the kind that go in vases). Pre-rolls. Edibles. And a column noting the percentage of THC and/or CBD on each. 

The process is very well organized. 

 ID's are checked three different times.

And everything and everyone is clean and professional. The place looks like a high-end apothecary
, though I've never been in one.

Nothing is reminiscent of the way marijuana used to be sold when I was in college. That was always through someone who knew someone. And that person was always easy to find.

There is signage everywhere, and one-pagers describing the different products. It's all very impressive.

In the end, and after much consideration, I buy an edible that I'm told can help with sleep. 

If Verilife had existed back when I was in college, I am pretty certain this is not the product I would have bought. But as Dylan famously said, "The times they are a-changin'."

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