Sunday, May 9, 2021

happy mother's day

When I took the at-home pregnancy test and saw it was positive, I was thrilled.

I didn't have a husband I could share the good news with. And I  knew the 29-year-old father would not share my excitement.

But I wasn't an unwed teen either, and I had confidence that I could raise a child on my own.

My family was at first skeptical, but always supportive.

I have always felt lucky to have a child. A son. And this Mother's Day, in particular, I am incredibly grateful.

Being a parent is not easy. And not for reasons of finance or logistics. No, it's the never-ending worry that your child is not happy. Or making bad decisions. Or getting hurt, whether physically or emotionally or by just some girl who broke his heart. 

Your child can be three or fifty, it doesn't matter. As a parent, your heart forever lives outside your body.

But there truly is no better feeling, than when all the stars align, and you see joy in your child's eyes. 

So to all my single friends. My married ones. The moms with newborns and toddlers. And the older moms with grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Embrace the day. And know how truly lucky we all are.

Happy Mother's Day.


  1. A beautiful piece, Lyn. Alexander is blessed to have you, and you he.

  2. Beautiful - brought tears! Happy Mother’s Day!

  3. That's so true and so lovely. You've done good. Happy Mother's Day!

  4. Happy Mother's Day to you! And as each year passes, the more love and appreciation Alexander will have for all you have given to him...and will be thankful that your heart still lives outside your body.
