Thursday, March 10, 2022

going gray

Now on a totally meaningless note considering the absolute horrors of the world....

It took almost two full years.

But finally, my hair is all gray.

In early December, I added some highlights.

It is very freeing. 

No more watching the roots grow in after two weeks.

No more having to spend all that money (and time) on coloring.

And no more planning the timing of colorings to coincide with upcoming events (not that there have been many of those recently).

Reactions to my hair have been mixed.

"I love it. It's a great shade of grade. You're so lucky."

"I like it but anyone with gray hair does look older."

"I love the highlights. It now looks finished."

"I don't like the highlights. Too many colors in your hair. Plus, they look yellow. Like really old people sometimes have."

"It looks great."

"I hate it."

Me? I'm not sure.

I love the freedom it gives me. But I look in the mirror and I don't look like me. 

I'm still not done experimenting with different highlights.

And I can always go back. Though that's unlikely. Two years is a long time to be focussed on hair.


  1. from Mitzie R
    Trying to comment on site, doesn’t seem to be working. Dye jobs on us older gals rarely works but a confident head of grey, well styled is sexy, head turning and very appealing. Rock it!

    from Ellen S
    For some reason I cannot commen t on the diarist page you have! I love your hair but I do agree that blonde highlights is probably not the way to go. Ihey cant help but look like aging blonde hair which always to me looks like its " worn out" and not attractive. But I ove the multi colors. I love what Tilda Swinton does which is very very very light heather lavender highlights. You can barely see the color but its so flattering.

    from Betsy V
    I love your hair. But I can’t do it. I just can’t. Though 125 once a month, plus another 200 every few months for keratin treatment, when i made 2,000 dollars in 2021….And those roots that come in quicker and quicker. From Beth C Haha — I did it too.

  2. You look beautiful Lyn, bright eyes, smile and hair the color of someone with more than a tad of wisdom.
