Sunday, March 20, 2022

why I stay

For the past two years, really, I haven't done much.

The pandemic and no income have contributed to my relative do-nothing state. In fact, a couple of my NY friends and I have even thought, "Why do we still live here if we're not taking advantage of everything the city offers? Or if not everything, at least some of the things."

I rarely eat out. I don't love museums. I haven't been shopping in ages (food doesn't count). And as for theater? I've been once in over two years.

Yesterday I am sitting at home and decide it would be fun to see The Tina Turner Musical.  I google Tina Turner Musical lottery and find a lottery for the show. It takes less than a minute to complete the entry form.

Less than three hours later I get an email:

I have no idea where my seat is; I just hope it's not rear mezzanine.

It's not.

Just about perfect.  I am close to the stage (which I love) and no one is sitting in front of me. 

The play is good, the lead performer and music are excellent. By the end, the audience is on its feet, dancing along to Simply The Best (one of my all-time favorites, especially after seeing Patrick and David sing it to each other on Schitt's Creek).

The concert-like feel at the end of the show lends itself to people taking out their cameras. 

But it's not an impromptu decision to go see a musical —even at a very inexpensive price — that keeps me here.  


It's the energy. The diversity. The creative and smart people who live here. It's Central Park. It's walks along the eastside esplanade just steps from my home. It's seeing unusual sites (like dishes on a street being offered up) or unusual people. It's the many opportunities to find, be or do anything.

But maybe most of all, it's a place where I never feel lonely.

Even when I'm not participating in the city's many offerings. I love knowing it's all out there — just a short walk away from where I live.

1 comment:

  1. And it's a place that has come to life again...and that must be such a thrill at this point!
