Saturday, December 13, 2014

mother-son conversation

My son must be the only student who never answers his phone.  It's either I didn't hear itit's almost out of batteriesI was in class and couldn't answer; I was with friends and couldn't talk; I was in the library;  or I was sleeping. It's never I didn't have it on me.  He knows that excuse is not a believable one.

Since I've threatened to disable his phone for not responding, Alexander will now call me back within a reasonable period of time. But the best way to reach him (maybe the only way) is to text him and ask him to call.

As evidenced by this recent sardonic text; my son  knows I worry about him when he doesn't respond.

So when we do finally speak (and it's almost always brief, unless we are discussing movies), here's how the conversation goes:

Me:  So how's your studying coming?

Alexander:  Good.

Me:  When are you finished?

Alexander:  Wednesday.

Me:  So are you coming home Thursday?

A:  I'm not sure.

Me:  When are you thinking you're coming home?

A:  I don't know, maybe Friday.

Me:  Maybe?

A:  Ya, or I might stay up here an extra day.

Me:  Okay, so I assume you won't mind if I go to book club on Friday night.

A:  Nope.

Me:  Let me ask you something else....

And before I can even ask, Alexander has to hang up. Class is about to start. I'm with Daniel and it's rude to be on the phone.  I thought this was going to be quick or I wouldn't have called. I'm outside and it's freezing and I can't hold the phone any more. Or, most commonly, I really need to study. 

But in a few days he'll be home.  I can't wait.  I'm looking forward to giving him a big hug.  And sitting down to a long conversation.

And I'm sure that's exactly what he's looking forward to as well.  Chatting with his mom.  What could be better than that?

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